Anita and 124 other portraits by Anuschka Blommers and Niels Schumm

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'Anita and 124 other portraits' is a survey of the work that the photographers Anuschka Blommers and Niels Schumm have produced during the past ten years. Blommers and Schumm question the status quo of fashion photography. They operate in a zone between fashion, art and photography, with shifting perspectives, where images move back and forth between different meanings. A state of uncertainty thus emerges in which merely an expression or a small detail seems capable of turning the images upside down. This is the first publication to bring together all the different aspects of the work of Blommers and Schumm. The portraits are ordered alphabetically, which results in unexpected, random combinations. Complete series are presented at the back section of the book, and these photographs are shown in their original published context, often in the lay-out of magazines. Blommers and Schumm have worked for a variety of people, including designer/editor Jop van Bennekom and several fashion


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