Annual Review of Nano Research

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The first volume in an exciting new series, Annual Review of Nano Research, this formidable collection of review articles sees renowned contributors from eight different countries tackle the most recent advances in nanofabrication, nanomaterials and nanostructures. The broad coverage of topics in nanotechnology and nanoscience also includes a special focus on the hot topic of biomedical applications of nanomaterials. The important names contributing to the volume include: M R Bockstaller (USA), L Duclaux (France), S Forster (Germany), W Fritzsche (Germany), L Jiang (China), C Lopez (Spain), W J Parak (Germany), B Samori (Italy), U S Schubert (The Netherlands), S Shinkai (Japan), A Stein (USA), S M Hou (China), and Y N Xia (USA). The volume serves both as a handy reference for experts active in the field and as an excellent introduction to scientists whose expertise lies elsewhere but who are interested in learning about this cutting-edge research area.


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