Archeologicky atlas Evropy - Archaeological Atlas of Prehistoric Europe +CD

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The maps in the Atlas show the spread of prehistoric cultures and location of important European sites from Palaeolithic Age to the end of the pre-Roman Iron Age. The work (in 2 volumes) contains a total of 27 large European maps and more than 800 smaller maps, arranged according to time horizons, cultural developments, as well as particularly important and well investigated sites. Citations of the relevant technical literature are given for the sites of the different categories (settlement, fortification, grave find and graveyard, workplace, cult site, hoard etc.) and to all of the cultures. The map legends are in German and the remaining texts are in Czech, German, English and French language. The editorial compilation of the Atlas took place in context of a partnership between the Archeological Institutes of the Universities of Prague and Vienna. The original information for the maps and the literature about the individual countries have been contributed by more than 80


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