De Fruittella-rol

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The Fruittella roll is the subject of the second instalment in the ''iconic packaging'' series. This book tells you all about the rich history of this confectionery brand and the company behind it. It sheds light on how ''the roll that doesn't cut corners on flavour'' has become a unique packaging icon. As a designer and creative director, Marcel Verhaaf has over 20 years' experience of packaging design. He has always had a special interest in the historical and cultural background of packaging - a passion that has given rise to a number of publications, lectures and exhibitions. He has also amassed a huge collection of contemporary, national and international and historical packaging, which is currently owned by Brandnew Design and housed at the ReclameArsenaal in Amsterdam. Marcel graduated with honours from the School of Fine Arts Minerva in Groningen and holds a BA in fine arts and design.


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