Six Sigma for IT Management

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Six Sigma for IT ManagementA POCKET GUIDESix Sigma is extending its influence as a process improvement method, from its traditional logistics field into other areas of the organization, Businesses will soon be asking IT departments to apply Six Sigma to IT processes as well.'Six Sigma for IT Management - A Pocket Guide' provides succinct guidance for using the Six Sigma approach successfully in IT service organizations. It focuses on the practical implementation issues of using Six Sigma together with ITIL and general IT process improvements, to generate a single coherent approach Tor continual improvement of IT service organizations.It has been based upon a larger, more detailed book in the ITSM Library series, that was written and reviewed by a worldwide team of ITSM and Six Sigma experts. The authors team reviewed and contributed to the text of this pocket guide.The appendices have been extended for this pocket guide, with a glossary, as well as a list of valuable Six Sigma


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